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Praying the Psalms #1

Prayer 2Psalmodic Prayer…it lives in the tension of your public and private life, between your eyes opened and your head bowed, between talking to God and talking to 2 or 3, between your social outlets and your closed closet, between reality and spirituality, between mad at God and at peace with God, between listening to a still small voice in your head and the tempest of anguish & enemies, between the radiation of cancer and the revelation of the crucified, between a moment of solitude and the groan of creation, between the passion to destroy and the restoration of reality, between their calm and your chaotic, between the tears of despair and the imagination of hope…

Prayer found in the Psalms is imperfect, messy, in the midst of, always present, not pretty…put away your pious, pretentious prayer and get down to the brass tax of prayer which is talking, listening and writing what is going on between you and God about life as it spills out of your guts.prayer